
Essential Phone

The Essential Phone is a discontinued Android smartphone designed by Android co-founder Andy Rubin, and manufactured, developed and marketed by Essential ...

Andy Rubin

Rubin founded Android Inc. in 2003, which was acquired by Google in 2005; Rubin served as a Google vice president for nine years and led Google's efforts in ...

Essential, the phone company started by Android founder Andy ...

Essential Products Inc, a smartphone startup founded by Android creator Andy Rubin, has shut down. The company said it “made the difficult decision to cease ...

Hands on with Andy Rubin's Essential Phone

It feels good in the hand, its titanium body feeling remarkably sturdy. At around 180 grams, it's a touch heavier than either the iPhone 7 (138g) or the Pixel ...

Andy Rubin's Essential Smartphone Company to Shut Down

It took the company two years to develop and build its first Essential PH-1 smartphone that came in a titanium body with a ceramic back, ...

The Life of Andy Rubin, From Creating Android to Essential's ...

The rise and fall of Andy Rubin, the former Google executive accused of sexual misconduct whose new startup, Essential, just shut down for good.

Essential, led by Android founder Andy Rubin, is shutting down

Essential Products, the mobile-hardware startup founded by Android creator Andy Rubin, is ceasing operations and shutting down, ...

新機難產...Android 之父Andy Rubin 的手機新創Essential 宣布倒閉

新機難產...Android 之父Andy Rubin 的手機新創Essential 宣布倒閉 ... Essential 原本仰賴新機「Project Gem」可以起死回生,但現在連貨都出不了... 還記得 ...

叫好不叫座? Android之父Andy Rubin的Essential Phone預估銷售不 ...

Android發明人Andy Rubin所打造的首款手機Essential Phone在8月26日開始出貨後,研究機構BayStreet估計,一個月內銷售量還不到5000支,表現不如知名品牌手機 ...

Essential, Andy Rubin's phone company, is shutting down

Andy Rubin's phone startup Essential is shutting down less than three years after the Essential Phone came out. The phone flopped, and the ...


TheEssentialPhoneisadiscontinuedAndroidsmartphonedesignedbyAndroidco-founderAndyRubin,andmanufactured,developedandmarketedbyEssential ...,RubinfoundedAndroidInc.in2003,whichwasacquiredbyGooglein2005;RubinservedasaGooglevicepresidentfornineyearsandledGoogle'seffortsin ...,EssentialProductsInc,asmartphonestartupfoundedbyAndroidcreatorAndyRubin,hasshutdown.Thecompanysaidit“madethedifficultdecisio...